From Behind the Line - Upper Upper Perth
Due to its wide flow range, open river character allowing complete scouting and portaging options and the plethora of fantastic whitewater it possess', the Perth River has always been known as a classic New Zealand helirun. Two years ago, admittedly before I/ most our group was worthy, I paddled the Upper section of the Perth River with a disastrous outcome... but two years on this would be a very different story. With a plan forged in the bar the night before and a late start due to the lasting effects of a very good night, Barny, Joe Keck, Brian Urmson, Ari Walker and Myself found ourselves at the Whataroa Heli area trying to sort a helicopter.

Barny and I trying to explain B-Rain and Ari's relationship (J. Keck)
Our shuttle vehicle (B. Young)
After getting a cradle brought over from Fox Glacier township, educating the pilot to our shuttle plan and exchanging some cold hard cash, we dropped B-Rain and Ari at Scone Hut and Barny and I were dropped 'well' up the Perth River. This would turn out to be a much longer day than we'd thought. During the first couple of hours I was amazed at how much the river had changed since my last time down... little did I know we had put on about 4km higher than last time. Putting on at 2pm usually isnt much of an issue but this 'higher' put in took us 6 hours to break down and seen us rolling into the hut around 8pm tired, beaten and grinning ear to ear. Here are the photos from day one.

The funny thing is that all of these drops and many more not shown here are all above the section that I ran two years ago which took us 4 hours back then. This time round Barny, Joe and I flew through this section in about 2 hours with the help of pieces of Barny and my memory and some brave eddy hoping. Photos would of taken time and we were well past 6pm at this stage.. Sorry. Anyway, arriving at Scone Hut where B-Rain and Ari had the fire going and water on the boil for some much anticipatd Ravioli. After catching the last little bit of sunlight while eating dinner, some lethargic goon drinking (or lack there of), we drifted off to sleep in the fire warmed accommodation provided by the Department of Conservation.
Day two started, and as you will see finished, like a dream. Blue-bird sky, bacon and egg breakfast and pretty much dry paddling gear... this was going to be a good day. Here are some of the photos from the second day.

Boofing a sweet drop towards the end of the first steep section on day 2. (B. Young)
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