Well, tragically, there's this returning theme through my blog and it could be summarized by my favorite print columist, Jim Anchower. He'd of course type, "Hola amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but the waters are not always smooth on Lake Anchower." Straight off the Grand Canyon, I rolled back into life and patrolling. Now things have been going pretty good for me lately, but I've definitely been needing SCUBA gear to keep my head afloat. The life of the Mank Crew remains chronically cranking at frentic pace. I did say things are good and since I last rapped at ya, I picked up this lovely little lady -

Through all the patrolling and trips, I still didn't really get my skiing fix this winter until March. Even on this trip, the snow was sunny and warm, but I made the best out of it with a solo tour for an epic ski. This had been truly one of my dreams since I'd first laid eyes on it. The pic below is from the top of San Joaquin Peak looking back at my tracks leaving Telluride Ski Resort. The far side of the ridge in question is the top of Palmyra Peak.
The shot below is of San Joaquin Peak taken from the top of Palmyra Peak in Telluride. I skied down a scar named the San Joaquin Couloir that strikes in the shadows straight through the huge cliff band.
Here's the scar as viewed from in-bounds Telluride:
This shot looks straight down the couloir. It's 45-50 degrees steep, never wider than about 30' and cuts down to about 8' at the crux. A fall would result in a skier tomahawking 1800' feet to the bottom.
Here's a shot straight down to the valley floor from half-way down. This is the tightest spot.
Hell yea. Through the crux. Of note, you can see my pole in the ground - steep.
Here's from the bottom looking up.
And a grand finale shot from the top of the peak looking down Bear Creek into Telluride. I wanted to give a shout out to my Aunt Gina for hooking up the sweet crib.

Well, that was most of the highlights of winter '08 (minus the Grand, of course). Here comes spring - Costa Rica, Fowler/Hillard college reunion tour, and KAYAKING SEASON!!!!
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