Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So, I made it to Ecuador, but you'd never know it by this shot.  Here's a self portrait of me at DIA right after the gate attendant told me I couldn't get on the plane because TSA f-ed up and hadn't double secret searched me.  I had also just witnessed my boat board that particular plane at the cost of $250.  So you can see - I almost went Gaylord Focker on them, "Bomb, bbbomb, ba bomb, ba bomb bomb bomb!"  I am a male nurse after all.

Ahhh, back to my happy place with a good huck.

Is that Dr. Brad, MD boofing in the jungle?  Why isn't he saving patients?

This here is a monkey - also known as Monos for those of you with Southern flavor on the tongue.  This here monkey didn't bite Dr. Brad, but a similar one did.  The Good Doctor spent a week on the couch near death visiting the emergency department every day after his return to the States.  I'm still not completely sure what was wrong with him, but he has returned to health and is back doing his doctor thing in Mancos.  Congratulations Brad and Megan on the upcoming little one!

Alright, some more long promised pics for your flavorholes.  Here is without a doubt my favorite picture I've ever seen of me.  Take that Gary Edgeworth.

And the Mank crew routes on through the end of the gorge.

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