Holla, holla homies. So I'm sitting here enjoying my new computer. Full on surfin Al Gore's world wide web (similar to the internet, I think). You should definitely check homie Mark Cafiero's site at www.sixpeeps.com for surfin pleasure. He's a wedding photag who just got engaged, so congratulations to him!
Also, I must express my love/hate relationship with roomie Pachanga's music. I either love the shit he's listening to and put it on replay for a month or hate it enough that I can't stay in the house if it continues on our stereo. So he mentioned this site to me - www.pandoras.com. Amazing. 'nuff said.
But the real point is that I have some sweet patrolling photos from last season and wanted to share. The goods:
I can't seem to remember what we named this furry friend. Unfortunately he didn't look too hot and the fact that he was wondering around at tree line on the Outback mid-winter didn't bode well for him... Then again there was this one pocket gopher...
One of my favorite pics. Even at 7:30am ski patrolling is an amazing experience - best job in the world.
Like I said - pimps of the powder we are.
So the snow cats groom runs like Mozart and Alamo (pictured here) late in the afternoon. Sometimes it then dumps overnight so in the morning you can rip those slopes knowing you're skiing on groomer underneath the powder. If you look closely you can see that Matt Macy is turning my top-to-bottom powder straight line into dollar signs with perfect turns.
This shot is at the bottom of JG - the place that shall not be named. Oh hello Phil and Janzen.
Looseness on top of the frozen ocean. Nice shades Mitchell.